Working efficiently from home can be great as you have the freedom to work at your leisure but also keep up to date with what your colleagues are doing as well. However we understand working from home can cause you to fall behind with work as there are many more distractions in the house as there are in an office space. Here at Titan Recruitment we have put together a few little tips we feel help us when working from home.
Create an at home office- In doing this it allows you to want to work and you will find it more effective than doing work from your couch or bed. It also replicates an office feeling although you are in your home environment and this can really help you concentrate and stay focused.
Try to stick to your regular hours, whether that be 9-5 or even 10-4. If you work your regular hours you will hopefully get just as much work done. Try to get started early, usually your travel to work can wake you up and get you into work mode, so instead of rolling out of bed at 8.55am, get out of bed earlier to help your mind and body know it’s time for work. Starting the day off can be key as it sets the tone for the day ahead.
Plan your workload- This can be done as soon as you are up or when you finish the day before. This gives you a checklist to follow. So at the end of the day you can confidently say ‘I’ve completed what I set out to do today’. This just allows you to stay on track with your workload. Being structured and organised is the key to success when working from home.
Stay in touch with colleagues- Here at Titan Recruitment we have a video call every morning at 10am and this allows our team to share progress and what our plans are for the day. This is a great start as you have spoken with your colleagues and your Manager, prioritised your work and planned the day ahead.
Stay Active – When in the office you might not notice but even walking to the canteen for a cup of coffee or popping out for lunch, you are on the move, so try and stay active. When working from home you can often find yourself sitting for hours without moving so exercise is important to factor into your day. To get your day off to a good start Joe Wicks, the Body Coach has been streaming live workouts with millions of people every morning and this can be a great way to exercise and stay active. Please find a link to his workouts below if you would like give them a go. This adds some fun into working from home and you can also encourage other people who stay in your household involved.
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