The British Government has come up with a plan for businesses who import or export goods. They have agreed to give a grant to businesses that complete customs declarations. We will provide the all-important information that freight forwarding and logistics’ companies will be interested in. There are three grants available to apply for, you can apply for one or all three. The three categories are Recruitment, Training and IT Training.
The Recruitment grant is available for any recruitment your company does from October 1st 2019. Anybody employed must be part of a team to help complete the custom declarations. The money cannot be used for any other purpose. The grant will mean for each new employee you welcome to your team £3000 will be available. You can also receive up to £10,000 for people recruited before 31st January 2021 to pay 3 months of their salary. Any information needed on the recruitment grant or recruitment services please get in touch with us at Titan Scotland.
Training is available for new employees to train them to complete the customs declarations and carry out the customs process. This can be valuable as the recruitment agency involved with your company can try to appeal the job to a bigger audience rather than someone who has lots of experience, this allows new team members can get full training and give them the opportunity to learn new skills. The grant will cover 100% of all training cost, the limit is £2,250 for each training course. The Government will also fund any internal training courses your company runs, this limit will be £250 for each employee undertaking these courses.
IT Improvements will be covered as the government has guaranteed 100% of the costs to get the correct IT software’s. You can use the funding to train employees to use the software, install the software and hardware needed and buy the hardware needed to run the software. You cannot use the funding for any other IT matters.
When applying for the grant you will need certain information about your business and why you want to apply for the grant. If this article applies to your business then you can get all the information on the government’s website.
If there are any recruitment questions needing answered then don’t hesitate to get in contact with Titan Scotland and we will provide the correct support you need.
All information needed can be found on both the British Governments and Scottish Governments Websites.
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